Friday, July 21, 2006

Mexico Torreon

That's right!! It finally did come! Sorry I didn't post earlier, but It's been kinda crazy. and I still don't know who acctually won, but I'm working on that now. So I'll be leaving October 25th 2006, and heading to the Provo MTC, to learn Spanish. I'm really excited about leaving, and thanks for all your support...yeah.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Mission call

So here's the deal. I'll be taking wagers about where I'm going to go on my mission. you just wager by posting what country, and if you're really daring the mission as well. One post per person per family. The contest will end when I get my mission call, which should be tomorrow. Oh yeah....the Prize is the winner's choice of candy, from Sam's club, so chose wisely.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Bear Lake

Well I guess I could say that a lot has happened since Nauvoo, but nothing life changing. I spent last week at bear lake with Dallen Done, and his family. It was loads of fun! We camped up a canyon near the north beach, and then during the day we would drive down to the beach, set up a bunch of canopies, and then just chill on the beach till around 5:00 Then we would head back up to camp, eat dinner, and sit around a campfire, then watch a movie. The most exciting part of the trip was Thursday, when my love handles got sun burnt. It was miserable sleeping that night since I usually sleep on my sides.

Other than that life has been pretty normal. My mission call should some this Wednesday! and if it doesn't then I think I'll just give up. I'm kidding. I'll just wait another week. Hope all is going well with everybody! And have a wonderful week!