South Carolina

Is the place to be....especially now. And that's where I am. I'm staying with Gordon and Denise Janove, who used to live across the street, but moved last year.
so I had to sleep overnight in the Chicago I found this little bench, and I went to sleep around 12:00 am
I woke up about 1:00 am and there was a blanket and pillow on my leg so that was nice. I then situated myself so that the backpack was on the far side of the bar(by far I mean away from my head) and then I would rest my legs on it so that it would cut off the circulation. I moved spots at about 4:00 am and then woke up at 5:45 am with about 20 people sitting around me...awkward!

I met this guy, Mike, at the Cubs game last Friday the 28th. My flight from Chicago to Charleston was canceled, if you didn't get that from the last picture, and the one they put me on wasn't till the next night, I decided to go to the cubs game instead of sitting in the airport the whole day. It was freakin sweet. Everybody was drunk. Mike...I'm pretty sure that he had over 12 beers by this point, and so had everyone around him. It was wild!

Go Spencer!! Sitting next to drunk people drinking in a stadium spilling beer all over is a great experience that I'm sure will help you better prepare to serve the people of Torrion, Mexico. You really need to think about what you're doing and start preparing for your mission. One day you'll look back and say, "Woah, I don't know what happened to me....perhaps it's because I didn't prepare for my mission. Yeah, and if you can't tell, I'm trying to be funny by sounding really really preachy...sort of how you probably think your parents sound right now. :)
Hey Spencer, I was just wondering if you had Mike's number. He looks pretty cute...and I don't mind the alcohol smell!
Hmmm...hope I don't see you for two years. I don't want you showing up on my door step drunk. (I did find a beer can out there the other day.)
Are you sure Mike wasn't Greg? He kind of looks like Greg
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