moonlight serenade
Well it was an eventful, fun and busy weekend. Me and my roommates went to the Davis High School Moonlight Serenade with Mom and Dad, Miriam, Ben and Kristin, and what a fun time it was. Then on Saturday I was able to go to Lizzy's play, of which she was amazing, with the fam, and then that evening it was back to Provo for me where I went to a dance put on by the Heritage Halls which surprisingly was really fun, and here I am, 10 to midnight, and I still have to do my theory assignment tomorrow which means that I'll miss on my hour of practice from 8:00-9:00.
School is still busy and getting worse, and for those who want to know, I have a concert this Wednesday, 7:30 pm in the Madison Recital Hall, (in the Harris Fine Arts Center, Provo) that is free admission, so if you have nothing to do that night come on down if you have the time, and it's free. the only bad thing about it being this Wednesday is that I'm still not prepared...oh well.
I'm almost done with my mission paper, but I still have about two weeks so when I get my call I'll let you all know. hope you all have a great week.
Here's marcella enjoying lizzy's musical. She looks so excited.
I was really shocked to find out that Lizzy willingly let people see her in her underware...I don't know what's gotton in to her.
Here are my roommates and I after Moonlight Serenade. We were all pretty tired from the night of dancing.
This is Dallen Done and Paige Gimes, Dallen has been Called to serve in the Philippines and leaves in a few months.
Here Jonah shows of his sweet moves with his date Lindsey. Jonah is called to sereve in South Korea.
Here is my roommate from california, brian perry, and his date angela.
And here micah sits, and nobody really know what happened to his date.
Kristin Hannah and I enjoying a faboulous meal!

Kristin and Dad totally owned the dance floor. just look at them swing.

Here Kristin has a prime rib about the size of her head, and sadly I think she ate more than I did.

here are my friends at their table, and some, like jeremy(in the pink) wouldn't even stop eating for a picture.

Here me and Hannah try so dancing, and I do have to idmit I'm really not that good.

Mom and Dad shownign off their mad dance skill.

Hannah and I before we had eaten or danced. That's why we look so happy, because after eating all that food, and then dancing I know I didn't feel to peachy.

Miriam and Ben.'s neat.

earlier that friday I went to the DI and bought some clothes so I could look somewhat like a cuban drug lord or something like that.

Here's the Family and ben before dinner, and what a fun time we had. thanks dad for the dinner.
School is still busy and getting worse, and for those who want to know, I have a concert this Wednesday, 7:30 pm in the Madison Recital Hall, (in the Harris Fine Arts Center, Provo) that is free admission, so if you have nothing to do that night come on down if you have the time, and it's free. the only bad thing about it being this Wednesday is that I'm still not prepared...oh well.
I'm almost done with my mission paper, but I still have about two weeks so when I get my call I'll let you all know. hope you all have a great week.

Kristin and Dad totally owned the dance floor. just look at them swing.

Here Kristin has a prime rib about the size of her head, and sadly I think she ate more than I did.

here are my friends at their table, and some, like jeremy(in the pink) wouldn't even stop eating for a picture.

Here me and Hannah try so dancing, and I do have to idmit I'm really not that good.

Mom and Dad shownign off their mad dance skill.

Hannah and I before we had eaten or danced. That's why we look so happy, because after eating all that food, and then dancing I know I didn't feel to peachy.

Miriam and Ben.'s neat.

earlier that friday I went to the DI and bought some clothes so I could look somewhat like a cuban drug lord or something like that.

Here's the Family and ben before dinner, and what a fun time we had. thanks dad for the dinner.
Spencer, you looked so cool in your new suit form the DI. Napolean would have been jealous.
Spencer I love your hat. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. Good luck on your concert Wednesday!
Spence- I am sad that I won't be able to see you until I get back. If I bring you something cool will you come and see me? Those pictures looked sweet. Let me know when you get your call, we will have a big party. Have a great week, and don't stress too much, it's just school! :)
Wow, that looks like a lot of fun. Was it weird to go back to High School? I like your roommate with the purple tie. I like guys who wear purple ties. Good luck with the mission call. Maybe you'll get the Harrisburg, PA mission. YOU NEVER KNOW! But I doubt it. We all wish we could see you before you leave. Maybe a miracle will happen and we will. If a few years. We love you! Caroline and the guys(Jeff and Owen)
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