Bear Lake

Well I guess I could say that a lot has happened since Nauvoo, but nothing life changing. I spent last week at bear lake with Dallen Done, and his family. It was loads of fun! We camped up a canyon near the north beach, and then during the day we would drive down to the beach, set up a bunch of canopies, and then just chill on the beach till around 5:00 Then we would head back up to camp, eat dinner, and sit around a campfire, then watch a movie. The most exciting part of the trip was Thursday, when my love handles got sun burnt. It was miserable sleeping that night since I usually sleep on my sides.

Other than that life has been pretty normal. My mission call should some this Wednesday! and if it doesn't then I think I'll just give up. I'm kidding. I'll just wait another week. Hope all is going well with everybody! And have a wonderful week!

I can't wait to hear about your call. That campsite looks awesome.
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