Mission call

So here's the deal. I'll be taking wagers about where I'm going to go on my mission. you just wager by posting what country, and if you're really daring the mission as well. One post per person per family. The contest will end when I get my mission call, which should be tomorrow. Oh yeah....the Prize is the winner's choice of candy, from Sam's club, so chose wisely.
I'm guessing the Italy, Milan mission.
Dude, you are going somplace like Chinese speaking... like.. Taiwan.
I am guessing one in the US and one out of the US So here are my guesses
USA Alabama
out of USA Australia
Owen and Kristin are here so here are their guesses
Kristin: South Dakota
Out of state:
Kristin: Germany
Owen: Germany
France. Done. Really, I just think that French is sexy, so that would be my first choice.
Iam guessing South America, Chilli, but I'd like you to go to
Sweden, because of your heritage. Yet I wouldn't be surprised if you went to Kansas. So there you have it one guess(kind of)--Mother
Well... I think that you are going to go to Georgia, because my grandparents are there and you would get along great with them! They are super cool and they would love you just like I do!
Amanda thinks that you will go to Venezuala.. if its state side you will go to Washington State.
Caitlyn thinks that you will be joining our good friend Jeremy in The Argentina Mendoza Mission!
okay spenci..heres my guess...oh wait so do we get a domestic and foriegn guess? if so here we go...
1-Michigan, Lansing Mission
2-France, Paris Mission
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I'm gonga have to go with what jonah would say. France.
2-Eastern Europe (I'm not sure about this guess for him!)
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Ghana Africa Mission
Well, I see that most of my guesses are taken. I was going to say somewhere in France. But,I guesss I'll have to be more specific, so I think it is Brussels Belgium French Speaking, my mission. You would be perfect in that mission. And that mission would be perfect for you.
Grace says, "France."
Brad says, "I called my dad and he got in touch with one of his buddies at the missionary department who owed him a favor. He looked up Spencer's calling and said he was called to the Dominican Republic. So, using my inside information I will say the D.R. I know that's not really fair, but hey, I couldn't wait to hear the news. Congratulations Spencer."
I think that you are going to italy but jon already said milan so I will say rome.
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