South Carolina cont.
Well in continuation of my trip...I bought a skim board. It's the thing on the left...with the flowers...but it's not girly. Anyway this is what my little camp...or whatever...looks like on the beach. This day was the third day I actually got to the beach. I usually get there around 1:00 and stay for a few hours...till about 5:30 or 6:00. anyway the beach totally rocks even though I'm there by my self. I guess the only bad thing about that is it's pretty hard to get the sunscreen on my back, and I haven't gotten up the nerve to ask a random.
This picture was taken today after I finished mowing Gordon's lawn. It was so Hot I didn't know how to handle it. And I don't know if you can tell from the picture but I'm dripping sweat. I mean it's so bad that when Gordon saw me he just started laughing and told me not to get it on his furniture
I took this pidture later the same day. A huge storm started blowing in, and unlike all the rest this week it didn't go around his house. So I sat on his porch, and after awhile I got my camra. I took about 75 pictures just to get this one. I just sat there and held down the button while it was in sports mode, and I luckly got this before my battery went out.
Spence, I'm glad that you got that picture before your bater too.
I'm glad you got that picture before you bater three!
Oh, and I wish I could come hang out with you at the beach. I LOVE the atlantic beaches. They're so great.
Sounds like your having a great time. Thanks for the photos and the blog update.
Last comment the best of all. Charleston and area looks lovely. The humidity is why it is so green--well maybe its all that rain too. I love you Spence, mom
I'm glad you got that picture before your bater four! Ha looks like you're having fun!
I don't think a skim board is one of the items you're supposed to take on your mission . . . but I could be wrong. I wonder how it will handle on Pineview Resevoir--they get some pretty good waves when a big boat goes by.
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