Thursday, August 17, 2006

It's all in fun

So these Pictures here are from the Fourth of July!! I took them then, but never posted them. This one is a picture of the flasher things. I changed the setting on the camera so that the lense shutter was open for about 8 seconds. it was pretty sweet.
This picture I acctually took last year at the fireworks in ogden.

This is another Picture from this recent year. Jon and Greg bought a bunch of fireworks in wymoning, but only legeal ones.

This Picture I took, almost exactaly a year ago, when we were backpacking in Yellowstone. The area there was so beautiful, and to make things better it rains every day there. It was really fun, and if you want more details, just ask lizzy. she had a blast!

Friday, August 04, 2006

South Carolina cont.

Well in continuation of my trip...I bought a skim board. It's the thing on the left...with the flowers...but it's not girly. Anyway this is what my little camp...or whatever...looks like on the beach. This day was the third day I actually got to the beach. I usually get there around 1:00 and stay for a few hours...till about 5:30 or 6:00. anyway the beach totally rocks even though I'm there by my self. I guess the only bad thing about that is it's pretty hard to get the sunscreen on my back, and I haven't gotten up the nerve to ask a random.

This picture was taken today after I finished mowing Gordon's lawn. It was so Hot I didn't know how to handle it. And I don't know if you can tell from the picture but I'm dripping sweat. I mean it's so bad that when Gordon saw me he just started laughing and told me not to get it on his furniture

I took this pidture later the same day. A huge storm started blowing in, and unlike all the rest this week it didn't go around his house. So I sat on his porch, and after awhile I got my camra. I took about 75 pictures just to get this one. I just sat there and held down the button while it was in sports mode, and I luckly got this before my battery went out.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

South Carolina

Is the place to be....especially now. And that's where I am. I'm staying with Gordon and Denise Janove, who used to live across the street, but moved last year.

so I had to sleep overnight in the Chicago I found this little bench, and I went to sleep around 12:00 am
I woke up about 1:00 am and there was a blanket and pillow on my leg so that was nice. I then situated myself so that the backpack was on the far side of the bar(by far I mean away from my head) and then I would rest my legs on it so that it would cut off the circulation. I moved spots at about 4:00 am and then woke up at 5:45 am with about 20 people sitting around me...awkward!

I met this guy, Mike, at the Cubs game last Friday the 28th. My flight from Chicago to Charleston was canceled, if you didn't get that from the last picture, and the one they put me on wasn't till the next night, I decided to go to the cubs game instead of sitting in the airport the whole day. It was freakin sweet. Everybody was drunk. Mike...I'm pretty sure that he had over 12 beers by this point, and so had everyone around him. It was wild!