Hello everybody! So as most of you know I got the summer started of with a bang by going to Europe, and as some of you also know I keep up the fun by going to Nauvoo for 2 weeks with a concert band from BYU. I was there from June 4th to June 18th. I must say that I never thought that Nauvoo could be such a great experience.
While I was there I

played about 20 Concerts, but it wasn't that busy at all. The elder missionaries are so nice, and the group was really fun. Each day we would have some free time so we could go and see some of the sites our selves, and then we would travel in 12 seater vans to other towns. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip. I think I took about 200 pictures while I was there, and most of them are either of the Temple, or the land scape.
As for an update in my life I'm now living at home working for dad in the yard. I talked to Bishop Williams June 1

1 and asked him to talk to the Stake President about my mission call. Later that week He told me that He had talked to the Stake President and that my mission papers were in, and that I should expect my call the Wednesday before I got back from Nauvoo, or the week after. Well after being home for a week and still no call I went to the Stake Office last Sunday to see if they could check the status of my papers. I talked to the Stake Secretary and when I asked this he looked at me kinda funny and then told me that my paper hadn't been submitted yet.
So now I'm waiting for the Stake President to get home from vacation, which won't be till July 5th, and then I'll got in again and make sure that they are submitted. With this new info I figure that I will be getting my call in about 3 weeks. I hope all is well with everybody, and have a lovely week.