Europe 2006

Well pretty much France and Italy are amazing! I had so much fun with mom and dad, and I just wanted to say thanks first. Maybe later I'll go into real detail about the trip but for now I'll keep it so a quick overview.
We flew into Paris on the 9th of May, 2006 where Mom, Dad and I carried 5 huge bags through the Paris Metro during rush hour. It was insane, but we eventually found our hotel. After that we headed right out to see the sights. The next day we headed to the Muse D'Orssey, a museum that mainly focuses on the impressionist art. the museum was great and in one room dad counted 17 Van Gouge Paintings. the whole place was full of amazing art and we spent about three hours there. From there we headed straight to the Louvre, where we saw the classics like the Mona Lisa and other. We then took the train to Gare De Lyon (the train station) where we picked up the car. In a few minutes we were kinda lost, but we found the Hotel soon. Next we drove to the Laire Valley where we looked at a few castles, but they were closed so we couldn't go in. the next day we went and saw another castle, and then drove to a little town at the bottom of L'Alpe d'huez. Here we biked for two days, and I'm going to say that I have never hurt so much from a bike seat
Arles, in Provence. we stayed here for 2 nights, and went to church in Axi an Provence, which had on of the most beautiful Chapel I have ever seen.
From Arles we then drove to the Cinque Terra and arrived there sometime around 12:15 am. In search of a hotel we wandered around the city, Finlay stopping and asking some people at a restaurant about a hotel. they directed us up a street to see if one was open, and told us that if we didn't find on then we should go to this bar and ask there. We did this, and finding a hotel open, but empty went to the bar where a drunk bartender helped us find a room. the next the the lady who ran the Hotel told us that she was fully booked that night, but that she could find us an apartment, or another hotel. We went an looked at the apartment and instantly fell in love with it. the next two days we hiked along the coast, and ate lots of Gelato, the best of which we found in a little shop in Sesta Levanti.
After about 3 days in the Cinque Terra we then drove to Pisa. When first driving into town we saw a road closed. After we had parked we walked over to the road and found that is was the Giro D'Italia. We stopped and waited and soon a car came around the corner, followed by a biker, then another car. after watching for a while we then went to buy tickets for the Tower of Pisa, and watched the Giro d'italia a little more. After Pisa we drove to Piacenza where we stayed the night in a hotel, and in the morning Andreas Picked us up and took us to his cousins house where we stayed the rest of the trip.
In Piacenza Mom, Dad and I were feed so much food I think we each gained 5 lbs. Andreas and Lucia's family's were so nice to us while we were there. Each day we went and saw some type of castle. also we finally went tie shopping, and ended up buying 38 ties. Over all the trip was really, really fun. and All of the pictures are posted at the link below. still I haven't gotten my mission call, but it is coming. be sure to check out the pictures. I uploaded like 150 of them.
Europe 2006